


你有生意要做, so the Government Relations team at SBAM constantly monitors issues affecting small business so you don’t have to.  SBAM also helps to give you and other small business owners a voice in the democratic process by connecting members with influential policymakers.

You can help protect your small business and help bolster Michigan’s entrepreneurs by getting involved today by joining SBAM’s 基层网络. Our commitment to you when you join is that we will track small business issues and cut through the noise, 但是作为一个成员, we ask that you provide feedback and engage on those issues by contacting your legislators or joining us for important public policy discussion.

Become an SBAM 宣传 Champion

基层 提倡

What you get access to as an SBAM 基层 Advocate:

  • Weekly Public Policy 新闻letter (Lansing Watchdog)
  • Timely notifications and Call-to-Actions regarding impactful public policy
  • 一个由4名说客组成的团队
  • SBAM’s Policy Task Forces where you can help build SBAM’s platform



As a small business owner you can truly influence public policy, and SBAM wants to help you do that. As you engage with legislators and become more involved in Michigan politics, we want to give you recognition. Not every small business owner has the calling to get involved, but the ones that do pave the way for all of Michigan’s small business success. Our 金层 advocates are true champions of small business and continue to lead our legislators toward making Michigan the best state to own a small business. In order to qualify to move to the next tier, one must qualify for the previous tier than complete one requirement of the successive tier. Check your 基层 Level in your Profile Settings.


  • 为SBAM作证
  • Attend the National Small Business Association’s (NSBA) Washington Presentation
  • Donate at least $500 to the PAC
  • 主持专责小组


  • 联络立法委员
  • Current or past Board Member
  • 在特遣部队服役
  • Serve on the 玛雅吧官网PAC Board
  • Donate at least $250 to the PAC


  • 向政治行动委员会捐款
  • Subscribe to the ‘Lansing Watchdog’
  • Serve on Leadership Council
  • Attend SBAM’s Annual Meeting


Having issues keeping up with new laws and the ever-changing political landscape on a State and Federal level? Subscribe to the Small Business Association of Michigan’s Lansing Watchdog, the premier small business focused newsletter focused specifically on keeping small business owners in the know, and instantly become a member of SBAM’s 基层网络!

Use the button below to go to your profile settings and subscribe to the “Lansing Watchdog” e-newsletter.


National Small Business Association

华盛顿特区.C., based National Small Business Association (NSBA) is SBAM’s national affiliate. It was founded in 1937 to advocate for the interests of small businesses throughout the United States.

这一组, which originally consisted of just 160 small businesses, now represents more than 150,000名小企业主. Several SBAM members have served on NSBA’s board of directors and in board leadership positions.
